Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 9, 10, 11, and 12 - BUSY and TIRED

Sorry I have not written in the last few days. I have ben exhausted, working on assignments, and still trying to have plenty of time to relax and hang out with new friends. In a way college life is not so bad, but in a way it is not that great either. For starters, it is a lot of big assignments that are due on different days, all with time spans overlapping each other. It could be a lot worse, though. And then I remember that in two years it will be. I will not be in a some special program for a month with only twenty-six other people. I will have more than two classes. I also will have teachers that know I am in college and not in high school anymore. Two of the biggest things I need here are good time management skills and lots of motivation. I am working on developing these things. There needs to be a good balance of school and fun. While I make it seem like all we do and worry about is work, that is not true. As I have said earlier, we have gone to the Aquarium and the Creative Discovery Museum (this one twice). We watch movies in our counselors' dorm at night. And just last night some of the girls that remained here on UTC campus had a slumber party. Life is good. I have to go right now and work on journal assignments. Miss all of you guys back home!


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