Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Worn Out!

I know I haven't written in a while and I apologize for that. This is so for two reasons: 1) I haven't really thought of anything too exciting to write about, and 2) Like the title states, I AM WORN OUT and in the midst of a busy life...

We have been in school for a month now. And I can't tell you how much I love this year. Everyone says junior year is your hardest academic year, but it isn't so much that as it is that I am simply so busy. And to be honest...I'm tired. For the past two or three weeks now I have just been going, going, going. Not that I don't take my little rests and breaks every day, but there is always somewhere someone in my family needs to be and something I need to do for school, even if it is only to help me get ahead. In fact, we have so many things to do and places to be that my mom had to put up a family calendar on our fridge so we can keep up with everything. This is just something we aren't quite used to.

But I also know that God is in control and He is helping me get through all the busyness. In fact, there is one way in which He has helped me and I just keep thanking Him for it. I just noticed it this week, but I am so thankful that I don't have a job. Crazy sounding, I know...especially coming from a high schooler's mouth. But it's true! Towards the end of this summer I applied for three different jobs (well, two of them were the same place just at different locations). I was really hoping for a job that would put a little money in my pocket and I just prayed that I would get a job at the place God wanted me at and at the time God had planned for me. This was such a hard prayer to pray, because I really wanted a job. But I am so thankful that I did not get a job. My life right now is too busy for one. I think my stress level would put me beyond breaking point and I would be in tears right now. But I'm not. Just this week, I have had/will have SIX different club meetings to go to. That's more clubs than there are school days!!! And I know that I would be even more exhausted if I had to go to a job on top of all that. So, again I will say, THANK YOU GOD THAT I DON'T HAVE A JOB!!! ☺ This is just another way God is showing me that He knows what's best for me and how He is taking care of me with my best interests at heart. So until next time...

Annie ♥

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Junior Year is Finally Here!!!

If you are anything like me, then you are the type of person who can't wait for the next school year to get here. You are someone who can't sleep the night before and ends up staring at the ceiling for hours. You are also someone who gets really excited over school supplies, finding out your class schedule, and organizing your papers with dividers. Well, this is how I have been for the last week or two...

As of today, August 2nd, I am officially a JUNIOR in high school. This completely blows my mind! I am so ecstatic to be entering into this next stage of my life. I am also trying to grasp the idea that I am almost finished with high school. Common knowledge is that junior year is one of the hardest years in high school. Not only is the work starting to get harder with A.P. classes, but this year I will have to start visiting colleges, zoning in on a college and major, taking the ACT and/or SAT, looking up scholarships and which ones I can apply for, trying to get a job, and the list goes on. But hopefully it won't be as bad as everyone says and I will have some fun. I also cannot wait to see what God teaches me this year and how I grow spiritually and emotionally.